Truly a Beer Town: Craft Beers of St. Louis

Craft beer by Schlafly

Craft beer by Schlafly

Here in St. Louis, we’re spoiled when it comes to beer. It’s carved into our history – the brick breweries tower over our South City skyline, and local craft brewers abound.

“Craft beer” comes from ‘craft brewers’ or ‘microbreweries,’ who produce smaller batches of their beverages. This not only ensures quality and control, but it also makes room for flavorful artisan brews that large-scale producers just can’t achieve.

Whether you’re out for a drink at your favorite neighborhood spot, or you have an establishment of your own and are looking for something new and local for your customers, let this comprehensive list be your guide.

GDA-certified brewers:

More brewers:

To choose a more sustainable facility, look to the asterisk* for GDA-recommended breweries.

Do you know a brewery we’ve missed? Let us know at to spread the love!

bottleworks silo